Our Approach

Home Our Approach

(Child + Family + Community) x Jesus = Transformed Families

God created us to be relational with Him and those around us hence human race is always yarning for fellowship. We use an holistic approach as we journy with a family to the intended plan of God addressing spiritual, emotional, physical, education , social and health aspects in our programs to transform families and the entire community partnering with a local church and community leaders


We have four phases that lead to a discipled self-reliant family.


Transform Families ministries evangelizes to a child in a community who introduces us to their family to share the gospel and also get to know them well.


Along with the help of a local church and facilitators, the people are arranged in cell groups where they have fellowship, read the word of God and pray together weekly in their homes. This will help us to learn, listen, understand, and assess the needs and challenges of a particular family /cell group.


Transform families’ staff and volunteers serve as mentors and role models in the community to support families walk the discipleship journey as other challenges in marriage, parenting, education, health, work and self-sustainability are tackled.

The success of our programs is evaluated on a family working able to take care of their needs , reading the word , praying and serving in a local church impacting there neighborhood.


After the family has walked the discipleship journey and trained in a skill, we celebrate all the graduands and send then as role models in their communities, Local church and neighboring communities.

Questions / Inquiries

For any questions or inquiries regarding sponsorship, donations, mission trips, partnerships don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Call (+1) 214-884-5114