What we do?
Plant family-based churches and partnering with exiting churches
To nurture godly original plan for families and leadership development. We plant cell based church in communities without one or we work hand in hand with those that exist already to ensure they thrive through training leaders on how to mentor strong families.
Building Christian schools
To educate, evangelize and disciple children with Christian curriculum integrated with a Local one to develop Christian leaders and generation of people who are self-employed right from childhood.
Build trade schools and Family resource centers
To train men and women in trade skills and offer mentorship for families to change live hoods in communities.
Coordinate and organize missions
To nurture people in serving Christ and availing ministry opportunities in our communities to create an impact for Christ.
Community outreaches
In our desire to see that the gospel is preached to utmost ends of the world we organize V.B.S, College and School outreaches, Conferences, Camps, Film and other activities that bring communities together to hear the gospel.
Families can’t be transformed without people being disciple. Jesus had each of all we do include evangelism, discipleship and empowerment to transformation.
Questions / Inquiries
For any questions or inquiries regarding sponsorship, donations, mission trips, partnerships don’t hesitate to get in touch.